Let’s Calculate The Value of Interior Design

The Value of Interior Design Malaysia

Most of us will stay in current home for more than 5 years before decide to move to a new home or redo current home design again.

Ever since we are going to live in our home for considerable long periods, it is wise to put interior design into part of your renovation budgets rather than ignore it.

We should treat interior design as an investment to improve our daily living environment. As it will in turns helping to make our home more belonging and pleasant space.

Let’s make a quick calculation on the value of interior design.

GetIDonline Home Design Package – RM 1350.00

Foreseen staying 5 years or 60 months

Average cost for ID over 5 years:
– 1350/ 60 = RM 22.50 per month

So it will only cost RM 22.50 per month averagely having an nice design home. It will become a beloved escape channel away from our demanding daily working life.

Do you think it is worth spending?

check out now on our Home Design Package, our home is where our soul live 🙂
