How To Get Home Renovation Done Within 38k Budget?

In a ever increasing inflation impacts on construction workers and material costs, home owners always lack of sufficient renovation savings needed for their new home renovation.
With limited budget, how can we make a good choice on expending at the right renovation items that will make a comfortable home?

Tips For Getting Home Renovation Done 

Throughout our tremendous design experience with our customers who came with different demands, here are our tips for home owners who wish for getting things done with minimum costs.

1. Identify Essential Items

First and foremost, home owners need to wisely allocate their available costs onto the essential and feel good items such as nice dining table set, comfortable sofa, soft beddings, multi functional kitchen cabinet, adequate storage space, a few designer lighting and cooling air condition that is important for Malaysian in particular.

Do thorough searching and comparisons to different qualities and costs of each items on the market, create a simple excel sheet to records and get the estimated total costs on these important items.

2. Ready Made Furniture

Since the budget are limited, it is good choice to opt for ready made furniture instead of build ins cabinets, IKEA, Muji and some online shopping websites are good sources for  valuable home furniture.

One thing needed to take note are the size and material of these furniture should able to fit in our home space and colour scheme.

3. Simplify Colour Scheme

Speaking about colour scheme, we suggest cleverly limiting overall colours to 3 main colours on each room. Mono and earth tone materials or colours like black, white, grey and brown can blend into the design scheme effortlessly.

For more clues on how to blend in a good colour scheme for your house, read this Freshome article about 3 Most Important Interior Design Colour Scheme Rules.

Take note especially the rule of 10/30/60 for selecting the right accent, secondary and main colours.

4. Embrace Expose Ceiling

Plaster ceiling is one of the first thing come across our mind when thinking about home renovation. While it is nice to have them with conceal light cove, yet they will also take away a large sum of our limited costs.

Thus, why don’t we think differently to find ways on appreciate and adapt our home design with the bare natural beauty of existing ceiling slabs and beam structures?

Made good use of track lightings and pendant lights on different areas, you will be surprise how minimum cost you can achieve the desired living ambiance.

Practical 38k Budget Allocation for 1000 sqft Malaysian Home

budget home interior design malaysia
  1. Wall painting and wall paper – RM 2500
  2. Additional power sockets and lighting points – RM 3000
  3. Surface mounted down lights, track spot lights and designer lightings – RM 2500
  4. Ceiling Fans plus Air condition for Living Room and Master Bedroom – RM 5000
  5. Kitchen cabinets and sanitary ware – RM 9000
  6. Ready made TV cabinet, storage cabinets plus wardrobes and bed frames for master bedroom and bedroom 2 – RM 9500
  7. Curtains and blinds – RM 3000
  8. Sofa set – RM 3500
Total Cost : RM 38000.00
Note: this budget excluded appliances and soft furnishings.

Recommended Budget Allocation for Designer Home Unit

Having better budget for a Designer Home? Then we have a even more comprehensive guidelines on how to allocate renovation budget, take a look at our article below 🙂

GetIDonline renovation budget guides
